Wednesday 13 July 2016


Dear Aunty Vero,
      Please hide my identity,  I am an undergraduate in one of the tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

I have this issue concerning how my boyfriend relates with me, he tells me he loves me but has a weird way of showing it, I noticed that if I don't call him he doesn't call me, if I don't ping him he doesn't I am always the first to reach out to him he doesn't even make an attempt.
Also, whenever i am on hols he doesn't take me out he prefers us hanging out in his house which I am not cool with .
Please I am confused what should I do??..

  First thing that came to my mind while reading your letter 'honey he isn't into you"
But then again, you didn't mention anything about telling him your fears, why don't you talk to him find out what are his reasons his response will determine your next action whether to stay or to take a walk.
All the best honey!!!

Have any disturbing issues??talk to aunty vero on


  1. My own opinion just forget about the guy abegg, concentrate on ur studies for now.

  2. No long story he isn't into you gbam!
