Wednesday 20 January 2016

Who do we blame??...28 year old man marries 10year old girl

OK, this has gone viral, its practically on every question comes to mind whenever i see these pictures, who do we blame....the parents of the little girl, the man or the culture, definitely the little girl has no blame in sure she doesn't even know she's getting married.

Why would a grown man indulge in such act, why would a parent allow their little 'princess' to be treated like this and why would such a culture/ tradition still be in many unanswered questions.

A 28 year old man marrying a little girl, some say she's 10 others she's 8 whichever one she's not up to 18 so she's still a minor.
The other part of the gist is that she won't be moving to his house until she is 17, does it matter at all???


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