Friday 22 January 2016

FRIDAY BLUES: Single And Happy

Good evening lovers of Friday blues, here is another episode of my night date with singles. I hope you will enjoy my topic for the week......

The rush to the altar is real, happiness is tied to saying i do and those who haven't said the sacred vows are banished to the land of misery. Can one be single and be happy for real??.

Single and happy? Isn't that an oxymoron.
Yes you can be single and happy it all depends on you.

 Being single gives you time to be by yourself, with yourself.(which you can't get freely after getting married)

Finally some me time. This is the time to reconnect with myself, a time where I can talk to myself, debating all the questions and answers that are bouncing in my head.

This is the time of reflection. This is the time of acceptance and letting go, which brings me to the second point…

2. If you don’t let go of the past, you will never appreciate the present. I am a strong believer of reconciling with your past before moving forward, but don't get stuck it can be very dangerous

No matter the experiences you have had, good or bad you need to stop clinging to them to live for today and plan for tomorrow.

3. It’s only after you have lost everything that you are free to find out what you were missing.

While you are single take out time to evaluate yourself, ask your self different questions and be honest to yourself.

Have in mind that marriage is forever,you just have to take your time to make this important decision.

Enjoy your single hood its not a curse no matter your age.( think of this you get to hang out with your girls or guys whenever you

4. Change can sometimes be good.

Part of you might be  afraid of this new change(if you just came out from a relationship). Adaptation takes time, yet you should be thinking of all the possibilities—meeting new people, going to new places, tackling new projects.

Sometimes change is the best thing for us, as it opens us up to new activities and environments.

5. Being single does not have to mean being afraid to love.

No matter how your heart has been bashed, bruised and broken. Don't feel traumatized or victimized, always have at the back of your mind that you will find love again. Hopefully the next someone will treasure and treat your heart with love and respect.

Staying open to love isn’t just about attracting a new relationship; it’s about being open to life.

6. Even if you’re single, you still have so much to appreciate.

“Being single is not the end of the world,” a friend said to me. She continued by saying “There are other problems that are more depressing than being single—hunger and homelessness, for instance.”

This felt like a slap in the face to wake me up. This should be a wake up call to every single person out there,It should be a reminder  that even with a broken heart, you are still standing, still breathing. There are still so many possibilities for you.

7. You’re not alone when you’re single; you still have family and good friends.

Take out time to enjoy your family and good friends, don't isolate your self from people its not worth it.

8. Being single is a call to focus on yourself.

Sometimes being in a relationship can make you lazy about developing yourself. You can get so comfortable that your goals take a back seat.

When you’re single, it prompts you to look deep inside yourself and identify the person you really want to be—whether you’re in a relationship or not.

9. Something better will come your way if you’re open to it.

I found a lovely quote somewhere, “To see a rainbow, one has to pass a storm.”

When something bad happens, we tend to concentrate on the negatives, forgetting that there must be something positive hidden somewhere in the havoc.

You will know happiness in the future—and in the present, if you’re open to it.

10. Life is a balance. When there is darkness there will be light.

I believe that everything in life is a process. When something dramatic and fast hits us, it will take time to process it and start over.

You can start over.

As we all know, these words are easier said than practiced. So I want you to hold onto one important idea that I’d like to leave you with:

Change comes from within. You alone have to decide if you want that change.

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