Saturday 12 December 2015

The things you probably didn't know about INI Edo

Its time for popular actress INI Edo to tell us ten things we wouldn't have guessed about her in the trending celebrity slam book

 Ini Edo’s adorable personality reflects in her responses provided and that’s something you wouldn’t want to miss.Without further delay,here are Ini Edo’s answers to the 10 random questions she was asked!

Fullname: Ini Edo

Question: What’s the biggest personal change you’ve made this year?

-I became an entrepreneur.

Question: What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done this year?

-Trusted some persons I shouldn’t have. Stupid!

Question: What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take toward ending poverty around the world?

-Creating jobs. Let me talk about Nigeria there are so many hard-working men and women ready to work but where are the jobs? Some people get desperate and dabble into wrong things to put food on the table, clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads but the good and sincere people out there are ready to break their backs, stoop low to earn a decent income. Yet, some barely get by whilst others live in abject poverty.

Question: Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people …what would be your argument for your action?

-Hmmmmmm……… thou shall not kill

Must I be the killer? -HUH?

Question: What’s the most money you’ve given away this year and to whom?

-Seriously? Even my left hand has absolutely no idea. Hahahaha

Question: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

-My Bible,Water,Lip Gloss....

Question: What the longest you’ve gone without a shower?

-Lips sealed……

Question: If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and what would say to them?

-Jesus (when he came as man) cullage

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