Wednesday 11 November 2015

Justice At Last.... Unilag-lecturer-who-raped 18 year old girl jailed for 21 years

Remember Mr Akinfolarin Baruwa the 'Lecturer' who in his office in UNILAG raped his friends daughter whom he was helping get admission?

The case which was charged to court has finally climaxed into a jail term for the shameless Rapist.

A blog visitor who lives in the same estate reports that....

''Hi Stella,

I Just want to inform you that the Unilag lecturer that raped the daughter of his friend that wanted admission has been jailed on Friday November 6,2015 for 21years..

He stays in my estate,Abesan estate Ipaja ,his whole family is still in shock and cant believe the Judgement..his family are also saying it was his first wife that cursed him..cos he left the woman with 4kids before he remarried..''

From SDk blog...

*I have been following this news closely, I am so happy at the outcome. Justice at last!!! 

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